Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Pre-Fold!

Some of us Mommas have been talking about Over-Night Cloth Diapering solutions for those of us with babies who re-enact Niagra Falls in the wee hours of the morning. Prior to discovering the solution I'm about to impart I had been solving the problem with a Pampers Baby Dry disposable and a Cloth Diaper Cover of ANY kind over it. It could be a pocket diaper without the inserts, a Blueberry cover. Anything worked. But I wanted an ALL CLOTH solution, not just what I'd been doing.

I'd tried pockets with extra inserts, pockets with a prefold inserted, covers with a babykicks flat, covers with just an Sbish flat, covers with an Sbish flat and an insert. I was running out of ideas. Finally I bought some Sbish Doublers that I had been hearing amazing things about!

When they arrived that night I decided to try something. I'd been told hemp was more absorbent than most others so I chose my BabyKicks pre-fold. I placed my Sbish doubler in the middle, folded it around the baby, put on a Snappi, topped it off with a Blueberry cover and said a prayer as I put my son to bed that night.

Come morning, no leaks. And we haven't had a leak once since I started using this combination for overnights!! I'm exstatic to say the least!! So I'm including some pictures as to how I folded this all since some Mommas were interested!!

Step 1: Place your prefold down and put your doubler down the middle.

Step 2: Fold the excess prefold over the doubler. Some of you may not need to do this depending on the sizes of your prefold and doubler and how they fit your baby. I do.

Step 3: Tri-Fold. You want the back to flair out so you can wrap them around your baby as the 'wings' of your diaper.

Step 4: Place baby on your folded diaper and bring the front up. This is where you can see the great advantage of how I've folded this diaper for a boy. As the front is the biggest wetzone for boys the extra folded over layer really helps increase how much absorbency can be achieved here.

Step 5: Pull your wings around and apply your Snappi to keep everything in place! This may require a little fiddling until you get it just right but you'll get better and faster with it every time you do it. Trust me, I screamed in frustration the first four times. Hahaha!

Step 6: Put your favourite cover on the baby!! For this solution I highly recommend the Blueberry cover. Make sure the cloth isn't peeking out around the cover anywhere so it won't wick!! Blueberry is really great because of the inner gussets which prevent prefolds especially from peeking around the diaper and wicking onto clothes.

And you're done! :) You now have a happy Overnight cloth diapered baby!!! I hope this solution works for some of you Ladies out there with Niagra Falls Wetters!!

**** For those of you wondering here exactly is the list of items used!****
X-Large Babykicks Prefold
Large Sustainablebabyish Organic Bamboo Fleece Doubler
Red Snappi
One Size Snap Blueberry Coverall in Blue Summer

The model in the pictures is my 10 month old son, Liam. :)


Mimmi Brietta's Closet and Ramblings said...

I just ordered that cover! YAY! and I am loving prefolds!

Brittany said...

I love the babykicks hemp/fleece prefold for nights!!! I pair mine with any doubler we have clean (mostly a gDiaper one) and a SBish wool cover and that for us was bullet proof!

greatdeals2010 said...

I just read this. I think you finally taught me how to make it through the night wearing cloth without wet sheets!!! I have some flip organics that I'll try for this. Currently, I despise my flip dipes, but I might finally get some use out of the inserts!~ Thank YOU!

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