Thursday, September 20, 2012
Why I'm a Deadbeat Mother.
1. I pumped for 6 months exclusively after my son was born and wouldn't breast feed after a NICU stay to assure he had the best start. After my supply gave out I fed him Organic Formula only for the following 6 months.
2. I stopped working after getting mastitis so I could be a stay at home mom.
3. My son is circumcised. If I had another boy I honestly can't tell you if I would do it again or not.
4. I follow a delayed immunization schedule for both of my children.
5. I cloth diaper most of the time. Sometimes I use disposables because I'm tired of cloth or because overnight cloth diapering gives me son ammonia burns despite stripping them like crazy.
6. My son, who is 2, is still rear facing. He will stay rear facing until he maxes out his car seat's limits.
7. I leave dishes in the sink when I'm too tired to deal with them.
8. We don't eat at the table, we don't eat in a high chair, we eat where ever in the house whenever, and sometimes even while watching TV.
9. We don't have a schedule. Daddy goes to school and doesn't get home until after midnight and sometimes it's easier to just let my toddler stay up to say goodnight then fight him to go to sleep.
10. We co-sleep. Still. We have always co-slept. Every attempt to move my son to a crib before now has never worked so we co-sleep because it's easier.
11. I used to swear my kids would only eat organic, but the older they get the less I find myself enforcing it.
12. I let my son play in the sprinklers and drink from the hose.
13. I've been known to hide in my room with the door locked to eat cookies in silence.
14. As much as I want to nurture my child's mind, we don't read books every day.
15. At 29 months we still haven't even really considered potty training.
16. Sometimes it's easier to turn on the TV to distract the kids when I need down time.
17. I don't always clean off the pacifier after it's fallen on the floor.
18. I don't make my son wash his hands before he eats.
19. I go all day and only eat after everyone else is in bed because I'm too busy making sure they are all getting food and cared for.
20. I spank my son when he's misbehaving. Not often and normally after I've asked him to stop doing something at least 10 times first and he still ignores me.
21. Despite trying very hard, I curse and sometimes he repeats it. We're working really hard on that one.
22. I baby wear. In an ergo, sometimes a moby, and sometimes I don't leave the car seat in the car and just carry my daughter in her bucket seat.
23. Letting my son eat 5 cups of mandarin oranges is easier than trying to force him to eat something else for variety sake.
24. Sometimes I laugh at my son when he falls down instead of rushing to make sure he's ok. If he's hurt he'll come to me, but often he manages to trip in the most hilarious ways possible.
25. I kiss my daughter at least 20 times a day and eat her toes because it makes her smile.
26. I hug my son at least once a day.
27. And when everything has gone wrong, when the day has sucked, when I feel like crap, when there's no money in the bank account, no gas in the car, and life seems like it's too hard to take, all I need to do is look at these two beautiful faces who call me Mommy, who are well nourished and joyful, who smile and laugh, and know that even if we have nothing, they will always have everything they need. Because I will go hungry before they do. I will go thirsty before they do. I will go threadbare and shoeless before they do. I will give every last cent and every last piece of me to assure that they have everything they need before I even look to myself. Because I am their mother and I will not fail them.
So are you a deadbeat Mom too? :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wild & Wicked- A Jenn Nixon Novella
A long time ago, in a galaxy-... wait wait. Even this introduction isn't quite right but that's beside the point. Many moons ago (years, whatever passing of time reference you'd like to apply to this works) I was involved in some silly Geekery. That's right folks, I'm a geek. Just thought you all should know. I'm into all kinds of Sci-Fi and Fantasy things. Books, movies, games, RPGs... the list goes on but I'm not embarrassed by it at all. Everyone has their niches after all and mine is the world of the Geek. I go total fan girl over certain things and can be quite intolerable sometimes but most manage to love me anyway, even when I'm hitting their arm excitedly in the movie theatres as a preview for (insert totally awesome film like the newest Star Trek) comes on the screen and a squeal somewhere in the only-dogs-can-hear-me register emits from my being. I've embraced many Geek moments with pure gusto; like watching Return of the King on opening night as Eowyn holds up her sword, removes her helmet and says "I am no man." Every woman in that theatre stood up and did a fist pump in the air while screaming YES! proudly. I was one of them.
I've gone off track horribly now so lets get back on subject. Many moons, galaxies, times, earth cycles, whichever ago I was involved in a pretty sweet RP (Role Playing Game, for those of you that don't know kind of picture a sci-fi version of Dugeons & Dragons) where I met Jenn Nixon. A fantastic writer not only in our RP games but also in book form. Recently she's had a lot of luck in the publishing world so I'm here to introduce you to Miss Nixon and have her tell you a little about her newest Novella Wild & Wicked coming out May 15th! It's a bit of a naughty read so there's no excerpts from the book posted here but there is a juicy blurb about the book itself. ;) Enjoy!
How I came to write my novella: Funny story about Wild & Wicked…while querying another book to publishers, I was fortunate enough to get two yeses, TWO days apart! I accepted publication with the first publisher and emailed the second to let them know. They kindly offered me the chance to submit shorts to them for publication and since I had this steamier idea rolling around in my head for about six months, I decided to actually write it. I submitted it a few months later and they said yes again!
The novella process was a totally new experience for me. I loved every minute of it and surprised myself in the end with a novella that I really, really love. So much so that I had to write a sequel to it!
Blurb: Veronica Chance’s sister has gone missing. In order to find Valerie, “Roni” takes a waitressing job at Foxxes Gentlemen’s Club, the last place her sister worked, to search for clues. First day on the job, the club owner makes her give a lap dance to his VIP guest, Mr. Storm. Veronica’s instant attraction to him spells trouble and threatens to blow her cover.
Former detective Mason Storm can’t deny the connection he feels for the wild and mysterious Roni. During the lap dance, he learns about her missing sister, offers his help, only to be rejected. Not ready to give up, he confronts her again, adding in the fact he’s seen her sister in the club, but she denies him once more.
When Veronica calls, acting rather strangely, Storm finds her at the club, drugged and giving a lap dance to a kid at an illegal after party. Grateful for the help, Veronica comes clean about who she is, and accepts Storm’s offer to help. Together, they unravel the clues surrounding Valerie’s disappearance, uncover the horrible truth behind the illegal after parties, all the while exploring and succumbing to their lustful desires for each other.
Jenn Nixon resides in New Jersey. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and Liberty State Fiction Writers. Her love for thrillers and suspense often finds its way into her novels whether they are Science Fiction or Romance. When not writing, Jenn spends her free time reading, absorbing pop culture and current events, and social networking online.
Wild & Wicked from Tease Publishing – May 15th 2011
Visit Jenn Nixon online: or:
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Paci Fashion Featurette
Here's the metal clip I've been talking about. The top flips up to open and back down to secure it. So far the little rascal hasn't been able to yank these suckers off a bib yet!!

Monday, March 21, 2011
RumpaRooz vs Blueberry Covers
Smallest setting side by side!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Things I Can't Do
I know it may sound pessimistic to those of you who aren't related to military in some way but to those of us who are it's more just a fact of life. You never really think you'll be 21 the first time you have to talk to your husband about what they'd like their funeral arrangements to be. I know for a fact 21 wasn't when my husband thought he'd be having to think about it either. I remember days before he left for the first deployment he went on having to cover this situation and all I could do was try to crack jokes. They were some morbid jokes to say the least, but it's the only way I could cope with the situation at the time.
I can't watch the news. It bothers me to hear about all the conflicts going on, not just in the area my husband is serving in but everywhere. It's a fact that you'll worry ten times more than you normally would too if you try to keep up with the current affairs in the area you're husband is in. Every little thing will have you wondering if they're ok. Needless to say I have NO idea what is going on in the News world while he's gone and whenever someone tries to ask me about something I'm usually clueless. What little news I do receive is via military communities and some of it is extremely heartbreaking.
There's sort of a fall of how certain things work though and how you feel about them. When you're Military, ANY branch of military, you're this giant family. You knock each other all the time, wrestle and argue, but when it's time to get down to business you have each other's backs. It's easy to have an instant camaraderie with someone once you find out you're both involved some way. The other branches are sort of like your cousins, you don't always have to like them but you've got to recognize that you're related. Your branch, it's like your more immediate family, aunts and uncles and the like, the people you have a close relationship to. Your job field and more specifically your unit, those are your brothers and sisters.
When something happens to the cousins you don't really know or talk to, you get upset. When something happens to your aunts and uncles you get heartbroken. And when something happens to your brothers and sisters you feel a great sense of loss.
The shootings that happened recently in Germany were a great example of these stages for me. Finding out that individuals from the US Military were involved was upsetting to me but not something I would necessarily dwell over. Just something I would accept with sadness. Finding out they were Air Force, 'my' branch, was heartbreaking because instantly the possibility of knowing those involved increases a little. Finding out they were from my husband's career field put me and many other wives I know on edge. Instantly you're waiting to see if your phone will ring, waiting for the names to be released, just to see if you know who anyone might be. The realization that that could have been your own husband there makes it worse. It makes it hit closer to home and it's like feeling the bullet whiz by without hitting you. My heart hurts for the wife and families of Senior Airman Nicholas J. Alden and Airman 1st Class Zachary R. Cuddeback.
And while this is how it feels with a situation I could easily call a 'near miss', I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel to be the one getting the bad news. I am terrified of men in Blues coming to my door. When I first got married and was living in base housing I was woken by the door one day by two people in ABUs, and while I had just gotten out of the bed my husband was still laying in I have to admit my heart stopped for a moment when I opened the door. It took me a moment to process that A) These people weren't in Blues and B) My husband was asleep in bed, but you can see how it sits with me. I've had some of my husband's co-worker pop by the house while in uniform and have seriously yelled at them for scaring me. They think it's hilarious, obviously me? Not so much.
But since I'm talking about all the things I can't do, I'll try to end this on a more positive note. There are a few things I can do: I can miss him with all my heart and love him with all my heart so that when he comes home it feels like the deployment wasn't as long as I thought and instantly just becomes a faded memory. I can cherish every phone call, letter, and email enough that it almost feels like he's not so far away. And I can love our children enough that they will lack for no love while he is gone.
Please say a prayer for SrA Alden and A1C Cuddeback's families tonight.
Defensor Fortis.
Friday, February 25, 2011
CuteyBaby Diaper Review